The Ancient Wisdom Ritual Club
The Ancient Wisdom Ritual Club
Welcome to the Ancient Wisdom Ritual Club! This is an annual club with open enrollment consisting of 9 Ceremonial Events each calendar year. These include:
New Year's Rebirthing Ceremony, Imbolc, Spring Equinox, Beltane, Summer Solstice, Lughnassadh, Fall Equinox, Samhain and Winter Solstice. For each ceremony you will discover the power, wisdom, magick and history behind these ancient auspicious. Experience the potent and transformative medicine of these ancient rituals for personal healing, guidance, to enrich your human experience and to enhance your connection with the Spirit and the natural world.
During our journey together you will learn about ancient sacred wisdom and rituals to help you rediscover your true self, bring healing and transformation into your life and awakening your natural creativity, strengthen your imagination and expanding your connection with your inner and cosmic voice. This year is going to be a magnificently magickal year! All you have to do is simply get to know and understand yourself better, connect with spirit, your soul agreements and your life purpose, set crystal clear intentions and harness the power of love, gratitude and ritual to begin creating your divinely Magickal year. ‘You’ are the secret ingredient to what makes real magick happen, no matter what else is going on in the world or which way the pendulum of life may be swinging. In 2020 nearly everyone had plans that changed. There are times when you can plan all you want, (and you should!), but there are still forces outside of our control, even if you are a powerful alchemist.
Magick is often defined as the ability to influence your own destiny by harnessing intention, will, and the natural energetic forces of the universe. These cosmic influences include astrology, the days of the week, the seasons and, what we will take a deeper look during this program this year—The Wheel of the Year.
All of these natural forces and rhythms have a “transformation” of dark to light. The dark and light archetype which also exists in spirituality, healing magick, the seasons, in the dance between the sun and moon, day and night, art, and also within all of the dimensions within our being. Throughout this program you will have the opportunity to play with the world of Spiritual Alchemy, deepening the transformational concepts of dark and light or as I like to refer to as ‘transformational healing.’
There is a lot of power and energy around the transition of dark and light which provides a magickal force that can bring true healing and transformation into our lives. This power can be found when we find the courage within ourselves to set clear intentions, boundaries, properly manage our life force energies, follow the call of our soul and experience the incredible power of ritual. This is where you’ll discover your true divine power and create a magnificently magickal life! All you have to do is say “YES!”
Next Group Begins Spring Equinox 2022
I am interested in Joining the Next Group!
What you can expect:
9 Truly Transformational Rituals you can do at home
Ancient Wisdom Tradition Teachings (email)
Follow Up Survey Email
Access to the ANCIENT WISDOM LIBRARY Membership Area
$27/month virtual Ritual Club
**Virtual Club Members can join the in-person ceremonies at anytime for an additional $20.
In Person
9 Truly Transformational Ceremonies at GREEN GARDENS HEALING SANCTUARY
Ancient Wisdom Tradition Teachings (Live and email)
Follow Up Survey Email
Access to the ANCIENT WISDOM LIBRARY Membership Area
RITUAL MATERIALS (supplied day of ceremony)
Oracle Reading
Hands-on creative crafts (all supplies are included)
Snacks and refreshments at each event
$50 per ceremony -or-
$350 for the ALL 9 ($450 value)
Please Note: the Ancient Wisdom Ritual Club requires 100% commitment and timely participation to receive its most potent and transformational effects.