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2025 East Coast Intensive RETREAT

“ritual is called for because our soul communicates things to us that the body translates as need, or want, or absence. So we enter into ritual in order to respond to the call of the soul.”

― Malidoma Patrice Somé, Ritual: Power, Healing and Community


Aquarius Energies

New Moon, New You, Rebirthing Ceremony

New Moon in Aquarius & Lunar New Year

January 29, 2025   | *Request a ceremonial seat

The New Moon is a time of reflection, introspection and divination. This is the most potent time to declare and plant your future dedications into the dark fertile soil of endless potential of the magickal new moon.


Discover the Magick of the Moon

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Stepping Fully into Life with more Presence, Joy & Prosperity

February 1-2, 2025 | 10-4:30 | Beverly Hills, FL

A weekend of revolutionary healing, transformational rituals and profound insight exploring the purpose of life and expanding our capacity for joy, prosperity and divine presence.

Please contact for late registration availability

Imbolc: Ancient Wisdom Traditions 

Ceremony & Celebration


Ancient Celtic celebration marking the midpoint of winter and the promise of Spring.  

A ceremony of food, offerings and oracle readings.

The Snow Moon

Deep Transformational Full Moon Ceremony

"Snow" Full Moon in Leo

February 12, 2025   | *Request a ceremonial seat

The Snow Moon: what sacred wisdom does it share with us?


Discover the Magick of the Moon

Pisces Energy

New Moon, New You, Rebirthing Ceremony

New Moon in Pisces

February 28, 2025   | *Request a ceremonial seat

The New Moon is a time of reflection, introspection and divination. This is the most potent time to declare and plant your future dedications into the dark fertile soil of endless potential of the magickal new moon.


Discover the Magick of the Moon


Mediumship Practice Circle

3rd Eye Awakening

March 9, 2025   |  1-4PM

A mediumship practice circle to learn, develop, exercise and strengthen your mediumship skills within a safe and sacred container.

$30 mediumship practice group (for the entire series)

$50 one time "drop-in" seat

The Worm Moon

Deep Transformational Full Moon Ceremony

"Worm" Full Moon in Virgo

March 14, 2025   | *Request an IN-PERSON Ceremony

Why is this Moon called the Worm Moon and what spiritual significance does it have?


Discover the Magick of the Moon

Spring Equinox: Ancient Wisdom of Ostara 

Ceremony & Celebration


Included with the Ancient Wisdom Ritual Club

Aries Energy

New Moon, New You, Rebirthing Ceremony

SUPER New Moon in Aries and Solar Eclipse

March 29th, 2025   | *Request a ceremonial seat

The New Moon is a time of reflection, introspection and divination. This is the most potent time to declare and plant your future dedications into the dark fertile soil of endless potential of the magickal new moon.


Discover the Magick of the Moon

The Pink Moon

Deep Transformational Full Moon Ceremony

"Pink" Full Moon in Libra

April 13, 2025  | *Request a ceremonial seat

Discover the Spiritual Wisdom of the first Full Moon of Spring


Discover the Magick of the Full Moon

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Supporting Love in All Relationships: Past Present & Future

April 26-27, 2025 | 10-4:30 | Beverly Hills, FL

A weekend of revolutionary healing, transformational rituals and profound insight exploring love’s hidden symmetry within all of the relationships in our life.

Registration closes April 18th

Taurus Energies

New Moon, New You, Rebirthing Ceremony

New Moon in Taurus

April 27, 2025  | *Request a ceremonial seat

The New Moon is a time of reflection, introspection and divination. This is the most potent time to declare and plant your future dedications into the dark fertile soil of endless potential of the magickal new moon.


Discover the Magick of the Moon

Beltane: Ancient Wisdom Traditions 

Ceremony & Celebration


Included with the Ancient Wisdom Ritual Club

Flower Moon

Deep Transformational Full Moon Ceremony

"Flower" Full Moon in Scorpio

May 12, 2025  | *Request a ceremonial seat

The Spiritual Significance of the Flower Moon

Discover the Magick of the Moon

Gemini Energies

New Moon, New You, Rebirthing Ceremony

New Moon in Gemini

May 27, 2025  | *Request a ceremonial seat

The New Moon is a time of reflection, introspection and divination. This is the most potent time to declare and plant your future dedications into the dark fertile soil of endless potential of the magickal new moon.


Discover the Magick of the Moon


Mediumship Practice Circle

Shamanic Journeying

June 8, 2025   |  1-4PM

A mediumship practice circle to learn, develop, exercise and strengthen your mediumship skills within a safe and sacred container.

$30 mediumship practice group (for the entire series)

$50 one time "drop-in" seat

Strawberry Moon

Deep Transformational Full Moon Ceremony

"Strawberry" Moon in Sagittarius

June 11, 2025  | *Request a ceremonial seat

The wisdom of the Strawberry Moon.


Discover the Magick of the Moon

Summer Solstice Magick & Rituals: Experiencing the Ancient Wisdom of Litha

Ceremony & Celebration

June 21, 2025  |  12-3PM  |  Beverly Hills, FL

$45 includes snacks and ritual supplies

Cancer Energies

New Moon, New You, Rebirthing Ceremony

New Moon in Cancer

June 25, 2025  | *Request a ceremonial seat

The New Moon is a time of reflection, introspection and divination. This is the most potent time to declare and plant your future dedications into the dark fertile soil of endless potential of the magickal new moon.


Discover the Magick of the Moon

The Buck Moon

Deep Transformational Full Moon Ceremony

Buck SUPER Moon in Capricorn

July 10, 2025   | *Request a ceremonial seat

The Buck Moon: what does it mean and what can it teach us? 

Discover the Magick of the Moon

Leo Energies

New Moon, New You, Rebirthing Ceremony

New Moon in Leo

July 24, 2025   | *Request a ceremonial seat

The New Moon is a time of reflection, introspection and divination. This is the most potent time to declare and plant your future dedications into the dark fertile soil of endless potential of the magickal new moon.


Discover the Magick of the Moon


CommUNITY Constellation Healing Circle

**no payment needed any donation greatly appreciated**

July 26, 2025 | 10-4:30 | Beverly Hills, FL

A day of revolutionary healing, transformational rituals and profound self discovery.

organic snack potluck | registration closes 5 days prior

Lughnassadh: Ancient Wisdom Traditions

Ceremony & Celebration


Included with the Ancient Wisdom Ritual Club

The Sturgeon Moon

Deep Transformational Full Moon Ceremony

The Sturgeon SUPER Moon in Aquarius

August 9, 2025   | *Request a ceremonial seat

What is the spiritual Significance of the Sturgeon Moon and what meaning does it hold for our destiny?


Discover the Magic of the Moon

VONBOR Diamond Art Painting Tree Girl Kit for a Adults Full Round Drill Paint with Diamond

Nurturing the Soul

August 23-24, 2025 | 10-4:30 | Beverly Hills, FL

A weekend of revolutionary healing, transformational rituals and profound insight exploring the soul, soul agreements and our soul's purpose, power and place in our families and world at large.

Registration closes August 15th

Virgo Energies

New Moon, New You, Rebirthing Ceremony

New Moon in Virgo

August 23, 2025   | *Request a ceremonial seat

The New Moon is a time of reflection, introspection and divination. This is the most potent time to declare and plant your future dedications into the dark fertile soil of endless potential of the magickal new moon.


Discover the Magick of the Moon

The Corn Moon

Deep Transformational Full Moon Ceremony

"Corn" Moon in Pisces & Lunar Eclipse

September 7, 2025  | *Request a ceremonial seat

What is the Magick of the Corn Moon?


Discover the Magic of the Moon


Mediumship Practice Circle

Communicating with Spirits

September 14, 2025   |  1-4PM

A mediumship practice circle to learn, develop, exercise and strengthen your mediumship skills within a safe and sacred container.

$30 mediumship practice group (for the entire series)

$50 one time "drop-in" seat

Fall Equinox: Ancient Wisdom of Mabon

Ceremony & Celebration


Healing ceremony of harmony, balance and inner peace.

Included with the Ancient Wisdom Ritual Club

Libra Energies

New Moon, New You, Rebirthing Ceremony

Solar Eclipse & Micro New Moon in Virgo to Libra

September 21, 2025  | *Request a ceremonial seat

The New Moon is a time of reflection, introspection and divination. This is the most potent time to declare and plant your future dedications into the dark fertile soil of endless potential of the magickal new moon.


Discover the Magick of the Moon


Nurturing the Facilitator Soul


An International Healing Retreat for Constellation Facilitators

The Hunter's Moon

Deep Transformational Full Moon Ceremony

"Hunters" SUPER Full Moon in Aries

October 7, 2025  | *Request a ceremonial seat

The spiritual significance of The Hunter's Moon and how we can use this ancient wisdom for our journey of the soul.

Scorpio Energies

New Moon, New You, Rebirthing Ceremony

New Moon in Scorpio

October 21, 2025  |  *Request a ceremonial seat

The New Moon is a time of reflection, introspection and divination. This is the most potent time to declare and plant your future dedications into the dark fertile soil of endless potential of the magickal new moon.


Discover the Magick of the Moon

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Samhain: Ancient Wisdom Traditions
Ceremony & Celebration

October 26  | 12-4 | Green Gardens Healing Sanctuary 

$40 Ceremonial Seat

*Included with the Ancient Wisdom Ritual Club


Introduction to Divination

Pendulums, Oracles & Scrying

November 2, 2025   |  12-4PM  |  Beverly Hills, FL

An introduction to accessing your super conscious and the divine wisdom of the akashic records through pendulums, oracles & scrying. Learn how to create a safe container when opening up the portal into the spirit realms and introduction to the mediumship practice circle for activating, learning, developing, exercising and strengthening your clair-abilities, mediumship skills within a safe and sacred container.

$30 bring your own pendulum

$50 workshop seat with crystal pendulum

Registration closes Monday 10/26/25

The Beaver Moon

Deep Transformational Full Moon Ceremony

"Beaver" Full Moon in Taurus

November 5, 2025  | *Request a ceremonial seat

The Full Moon of November is called the Beaver Moon, as the Beavers are preparing their homes and food supply in preparation for Winter's cold and dark days ahead.


Discover the Magick of the Moon

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It Didn't Start With You: Exploring the Family Conscience/Family Soul

November 15-16, 2025 | 10-4:30 | Beverly Hills, FL

A weekend of revolutionary healing, transformational rituals and profound insight exploring the family soul, ancestral entanglements and sovereignty of choice.

Registration closes November 7th

Sagittarius Energies

New Moon, New You, Rebirthing Ceremony

New Moon in Sagittarius

November 20th, 2025   |  *Request a ceremonial seat

The New Moon is a time of reflection, introspection and divination. This is the most potent time to declare and plant your future dedications into the dark fertile soil of endless potential of the magickal new moon.


Discover the Magick of the Moon

The Cold Moon

Deep Transformational Full Moon Ceremony

"Cold" Full Moon in Gemini

December 4, 2025  | *Request a ceremonial seat

The Cold Moon of December is named for the long dark nights and cold winter air that sweeps through the North.


Discover the Magick of the Moon


Honoring our Ancestors &

the Divine Order of Life & Death
Community Healing Ritual & Ancestral Celebration

December 6  | 11-4 | Green Gardens Healing Sanctuary

$40 Ceremonial Seat

*Included with the Ancient Wisdom Ritual Club

Winter Solstice: Ancient Wisdom of Yule 

Ceremony & Celebration


During the longest night of the year we let go of the past and welcome in the dawn of a new cycle.  This ceremony is about releasing the past and birthing a path for a brighter future. During this ceremony we will be constructing a wreath of good fortune for 2025.

Capricorn Energies

New Moon, New You, Rebirthing Ceremony

New Moon in Capricorn

December 20, 2025   | *Request a ceremonial seat

The New Moon is a time of reflection, introspection and divination. This is the most potent time to declare and plant your future dedications into the dark fertile soil of endless potential of the magickal new moon.


Discover the Magick of the Moon


Mediumship Practice Circle

Divining with the Nornes &

Traditional Shaman Medicine Swap

December 21, 2025   |  1-4PM

A mediumship practice circle to learn, develop, exercise and strengthen your mediumship skills within a safe and sacred container.

$30 mediumship practice group (for the entire series)

$50 one time "drop-in" seat



CommUNITY Constellation Healing Circle

**no payment needed any donation greatly appreciated**

January 3rd, 2026 | 10-4:30 | Beverly Hills, FL

A day of revolutionary healing, transformational rituals and profound self discovery.

organic snack potluck | registration closes 5 days prior

The Wolf Moon

Deep Transformational Full Moon Ceremony

"Wolf" Full Moon in Cancer

January 3, 2026   |  *Request a ceremonial seat

The Wolf moon represents the first full moon after the winter solstice and of the calendar year, and is named after the wolves who howl in the cold nights of winter.


Discover the Magick of the Moon


Mediumship Practice Circle

Strengthening Claires & Intuition

January 18, 2026   |  12-4PM

A mediumship practice circle to learn, develop, exercise and strengthen your mediumship skills within a safe and sacred container.

$30 mediumship practice group (for the entire series)

$50 one time "drop-in" seat

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