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Divination Reading | Mediumship | Spiritual Guidance 


A ceremonial card spread and mediumship reading to receive clarity and divine guidance for your inquiries and a guided shamanic journey to meet and discover the spirit medicine and spirit guide that is here to help you. 

60 minute Ceremonial Oracle Divination and Guided Visualization $100

Choose your Divine Guidance
Appointment preferences

Additional Payment Options:

Pre pay with cash

Cash App $BryanCampbell0763

PayPal (friends & family) @bryancampbell0763 

Venmo (friends & family) @Bryan-Campbell-9


Gift card: Walmart, Publix or Amazon

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Client Testimonials

"OMG! YES!!! The reading was VERY accurate, and on point! Now I want to have a SPIRIT WALK!"


I read tarot cards and haven't gotten a reading in over 6 years because I can't find anyone I trust and this reading was INCREDIBLE!


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