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Let's get to know each other a little more before we embark on this HEALING journey together!

First, Middle and Last Name*



Mailing address*

Birth details (date, time, location, Dagara sign, Dagara sign meaning and how do you embody and use this elemental magic in your life and your spiritual practice?)*

What interests you about the SPIRIT WALK ADVANCED SHAMANIC MENTORSHIP? What would you like to accomplish, learn and/or transform from this experience?*

What do you understand about your divine purpose, your magic and your medicine and, how are you embodying and practicing these in your daily life?*

Occupation, Relationship and current Family Status*

Please state all therapeutic, wellness, spiritual and shamanic processes supporting you at this moment in time. This can be psychotherapy, bodywork or any form of healing service or classes.

Are you taking any medications?*

If so, for what purpose?*

Do you experience any physical or emotional problems or symptoms at this time?*

Do you have any allergies and other chronic conditions?*

Have you experienced any of the following?*

What is your recent level of self-love?*

In what capacity do you intend on using this information?*

Describe your current spiritual foundation and it relates to your family and Ancestral lineage as well as your soul agreements during this lifetime in the journey of your soul in this place & time?*

Are you currently practicing in a shamanic and mediumistic tradition professionally with clients?*

Please describe your current shamanic cosmology & your current shamanic practice? *

What shamanic principles and practices do you feel you have expertise? *

How has your ANCESTRAL RITES OF INITIATION changed you, your life, your perspectives and you spiritual practice. And what would you like to learn and acquire during this SPIRIT WALK ADVANCED SHAMANIC MENTORSHIP?*

What challenges do you foresee arising during this Advanced Shamanic Mentorship?*

Describe your relationship with your ancestors and your Ancestral/Family soul? What can you tell me about your ancestral blueprint, your purpose and your place within your lineage?*

Payment Method*

submit above and then pay below

Additional Payment Options:

Pre pay with cash

Cash App $BryanCampbell0763

PayPal (friends & family) @bryancampbell0763 

Venmo (friends & family) @Bryan-Campbell-9


Gift card: Walmart, Publix or Amazon

Trade/Barter: services or items

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